About Us

Let me be your guide in your journey to inner peace
Welcome! My name is Lori Sullivan-Finan. I am 56 years old, and I am so excited about this new chapter in my life. Recently, I moved from Long Island, NY to Florida in 2022 after 40 years of doing the same things every day. I worked in an office and worked for other people. I made the companies a lot of money while barely making myself a living.
When I moved to Florida, I knew without any uncertainty that I was not going to do that anymore. I needed a change - I knew I could do more and wanted to do better. I went to a convention in Tampa with a friend; we walked up and down the aisles of different companies that day. It was a woman’s expo, showcasing women owned companies and women in business.
That was very exciting to me, as my past business was mainly owned and operated by men for centuries. I stopped to listen to a demonstration about some make up products being sold when I saw on the sign above me that the next speaker starting in 10 minutes was a hypnotherapist. She was speaking about her practice and where she had gotten her education. For some reason I was drawn to that, like a moth to a flame. I simply walked away from the make-up tutorial and found a front row seat.
As I waited for the speaker to begin, I googled her, the school and the fundamentals of Hypnotherapy. As she began to speak about her new venture in Hypnotherapy and sharing her story of where she had begun, I knew this is what I wanted to do. Later that evening, I was on the phone with the school asking the person on the other end of the line numerous questions.
The biggest question of my life loomed before me: how do I go from being in an office 9-5 every day for so many years to being my own boss and embrace a career in helping others? Classes began a few weeks later and I did it all. I went from class to class, online and in person, studying and learning all I could. It was an exciting time, invigorating me with fresh hope and new knowledge with each class.
I have now reached a point where I am able to share with you and teach you what I have learned, and I am excited to start this new journey with you. We will walk and talk together on your journey as you learn how to become more peaceful within yourself. We will work on techniques that will help with weight loss, sleeplessness, pain management and memory. The sessions will be filled with mindfulness, relaxation and peace, and you will gain a much deeper insight in yourself.
I offer childhood regression, past life regression and so much more. Part of your journey includes a customized Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) recording that you will listen to in private, where you will be returned to the peaceful state of mind we have created within you.
I look forward to meeting you and beginning our journey together.
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